Saturday, September 8, 2012

Pinterest and other dangerous things

I have a lot of things pinned to my pinterest page.  So many that I'm fairly certain that I will never get to them all, however, I find it fun to think about those kinds of things.

The other dangerous thing I've been doing lately is working at a quilt shop.  All day I'm faced with an unlimited number of projects that I could be making if my funds were as unlimited as my inspiration.

Here's what I'm thinking of making right now:

snowman quilt
Sylvia's Bridal Sampler
Amazon Star
Christmas stockings
Christmas presents

There's more, but that's the list right now.

A look at the week's creativity

I'm going to try to post on Saturday about the creativity of the week.
It was a busy week with a lot of working at the quilt shop. I got to sew some samples there and did some planning of things to come (that's another post).

This week's evening crafting has been using up scraps to make a fabulous new afghan. It's stripy, and totally unplanned, and huge! I found the idea through on
This girl has some other really cute projects that I'll have to try sometime.

Anyway, I made 3 really big balls of yarn made from smaller bits I have leftover. And started a really cool afghan. It's been a fun week!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

A long week

This has been a really long week. I've done meetings and work. Paperwork has been crazy; students have been crazy. Jason has been working the super late shift to cover division ii basketball in Cincinnati. So I haven't seen him since Wednesday morning (at least not awake). On the upside, I've had a couple of wonderful afternoons with my favorite little boy. He's running like crazy. His favorite toy is daddy's cell phone. His favorite games are throwing things down the stairs and emptying his fort of toys (but only I'd someone is there to throw them back in). He's finally starting to eat what I cook, but it has to cool down to nearly room temperature.
And the best news is that my parents are coming tomorrow! Daddy is staying until Monday morning and Mommy is staying until next Friday!
That reminds me, I need to make an appointment for our pedicures...

Friday, November 25, 2011


I know that this is what everyone is writing about because yesterday is Thanksgiving, but I had to join in because my heart is very full.

No one ever told me that I was going to have to make time to be thankful for my little boy.  I thought it would be easy when he was little and only become hard when he got older and he got busy himself.

The same is true of my husband.  Our schedules are more than a little crazy, and there is so much that we need to do when we are together that it is sometimes hard to remember to stop and enjoy being together.

So as we start the last week of my son's first year, and somewhere around the midpoint of our fourth year of marriage, I pledge to take time and enjoy my family.

I love you all!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

There's Hope in Company

I am not alone.  There are other women that have had babies and deal with the same stuff that I am.  Balancing the love of the cutest little boy in the world (really, he's cute) with the frustration of not being myself anymore.  I'm not just Jennifer.  I'm Mama.  I'm the one that he trusts to feed him when he's hungry and snuggle him when he's just crabby and sometimes be climbed on when he's feeling energetic.  He's learning to crawl and walk simultaneously (he's got the mobility of crawling and the positioning of walking but not both for both).  I get overwhelmed because I'm trying to be the same person I was 10 months ago before I had a new baby.  But I'm not.  I'm a Mama now.

I have some amazing new friends online.  They might not know me but I'm following their blogs and learning from their experiences.  They are just normal moms like me and sharing what they know.  I'm not alone!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A Rant Regarding Athletic Contests

I dislike sports.  Well, I need to be more specific.  I dislike professional team sports.  I dislike how much players arer paid when they do well.  I really dislike how much players are paid when they don't do well.  I dislike how much attention they get from the media, advertisers, and fans.  I dilike how much time people spend sitting on a couch and wathcing television when the games are on.  I dislike how a person's mood and emotional state can be wrapped up in the fate of their favorite team.  I dislike how a person can ignore the world when a game is on.  I dislike how sports people can't understand how other people can be not-sports people.

How did I not get that this would be an issue when I married my husband?  He's a sports person.  I'm obviously not.  I knew he was a sports person, but not being around sports people, I had no idea what that would mean for our lives.  Sigh.

For richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part, and through Detroit victories and defeats...was that in there?

Thursday, October 6, 2011

A Rough Night

EEEEEEPPPPPPP!!!!!! Benjamin is determined to climb over me, despite what parts of my face he mauls in the process. 

I've had a rough week with paperwork and just being tired from driving 90-100 miles a day (approximately 60 miles is during the work day). 

The good news is that Benjamin pays rapt attention when I pop in a Celtic Woman DVD.  Too much TV: bad.  A baby who enjoys music and real performaces: good.

The 2 questions of my heart are when will life settle down and is it time to do the interpreting thing?

My brain is reeling.  Too much input.  Time to sleep.

Oh, and my parents are coming to visit tomorrow (messy house), and a good friend is going to prison (sad), and conferences are next week (eek!)