Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Catching up

After leaving Elizabethtown, we still don't have internet at our new house yet, so I haven't been able to get here to give you the updates.

Interviews: my final interview got rescheduled several times, finally happened by phone while I was back in Illinois last week.  As of Monday, they had not made any decisions but hope to finish this week because new teacher orientation begins a week from Friday.

House: forget the townhouse, we found a house that we could afford to rent, is in a nice neighborhood, has a nice yard, and plenty of room for us.  The bad news was that we lived in it for almost two weeks before the movers could bring our stuff.  I'm all for simplifying my life, but that was ridiculous.

My parents came to visit and brought some more stuff that we couldn't send in the moving truck.  (including the dog).  They were a great help with some of the unpacking.  Our kitchen looks livable again!

Other activities: July 11 we all came to Illinois.  Jason took another load of things back to Louisville and had to work an 8 day week.  He'll be back tonight to pick up Benjamin and me.  Along with my parents, we spent the weekend of the 16th celebrating Melissa Skinner and Juan Ceveda's wedding.  It was great!  I was so honored to be able to help with the last minute details and witness the joining of two souls.  I can't wait to see them again!

That's the short version.  I did get a couple of projects going, but left them in Kentucky.  Sigh.  The baby and the wedding have kept me plenty busy enough here as well as seeing some friends.  I'm actually looking forward to the school year (assuming I get a job) since it will allow me to stay in one place for a little longer.

I'm going to add a section on this blog at the end where I discuss books I've read and projects I'm working on.  Part of my goal is to keep in touch with some of my project friends as well.  Feel free to leave comments on them especially.

Project: none (left everything in Louisville)
Book: Eat, Pray, Love: I read it really quickly, but I think there are some points that I would like to take some time to mull over, so I will be reading it again very soon.