Friday, September 30, 2011

5 minutes on Friday

The Gypsy Mama has a challenge every Friday to write on a topic for 5 minutes.  So here's my thoughts for today.

On Friends…
I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting on who my friends are lately.  Since I just moved 6 hours away from where I grew up and started my adult life, many people have dropped away.  I miss them very much.  I wish them the best and I hope that whatever they’re doing, that they’re happy.  And I hope that if any of them read this and drive through Louisville, KY that they give me a call. 
I’ve also had to deal with making new friends.  I’ve met lots of people here.  People at Jason’s work, my work, church.  I’m finally starting to find the right set.  The ones that I can depend on to call if I need someone.  I don’t know the folks that Jason works with all that much.  Television is such a weird scheduling that they don’t even get to hang out outside of work much.  My job involves traveling between 8 different schools on a daily basis, so I’m having trouble making real relationships with people there too.  On the occasion that I do meet people that I click with, they get busy and we can’t find time to get together.  Finally, I joined up with some people that serve at my church.  I’m so excited to be getting involved in interpreting again.  And the team that I will be working with so far seem just great!
Friends are the people that accept you for who you are.  They’re the ones that keep in touch even when you go far away and welcome you when you come back home.  I’m glad to be finding out who my friends are and the adventure of making new ones.


  1. praying for you in this new season and journey in life. i have recently moved myself and know finding community in a new place can be so difficult!

  2. As the seasons of our lives change, so do our friendships....and yet God is in the midst of it all. He knows the desires of our heart and I have found Him faithful to bring into my life just who I need, right when I need them.

    Praying you find friends for this new season-
