Friday, November 25, 2011


I know that this is what everyone is writing about because yesterday is Thanksgiving, but I had to join in because my heart is very full.

No one ever told me that I was going to have to make time to be thankful for my little boy.  I thought it would be easy when he was little and only become hard when he got older and he got busy himself.

The same is true of my husband.  Our schedules are more than a little crazy, and there is so much that we need to do when we are together that it is sometimes hard to remember to stop and enjoy being together.

So as we start the last week of my son's first year, and somewhere around the midpoint of our fourth year of marriage, I pledge to take time and enjoy my family.

I love you all!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

There's Hope in Company

I am not alone.  There are other women that have had babies and deal with the same stuff that I am.  Balancing the love of the cutest little boy in the world (really, he's cute) with the frustration of not being myself anymore.  I'm not just Jennifer.  I'm Mama.  I'm the one that he trusts to feed him when he's hungry and snuggle him when he's just crabby and sometimes be climbed on when he's feeling energetic.  He's learning to crawl and walk simultaneously (he's got the mobility of crawling and the positioning of walking but not both for both).  I get overwhelmed because I'm trying to be the same person I was 10 months ago before I had a new baby.  But I'm not.  I'm a Mama now.

I have some amazing new friends online.  They might not know me but I'm following their blogs and learning from their experiences.  They are just normal moms like me and sharing what they know.  I'm not alone!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A Rant Regarding Athletic Contests

I dislike sports.  Well, I need to be more specific.  I dislike professional team sports.  I dislike how much players arer paid when they do well.  I really dislike how much players are paid when they don't do well.  I dislike how much attention they get from the media, advertisers, and fans.  I dilike how much time people spend sitting on a couch and wathcing television when the games are on.  I dislike how a person's mood and emotional state can be wrapped up in the fate of their favorite team.  I dislike how a person can ignore the world when a game is on.  I dislike how sports people can't understand how other people can be not-sports people.

How did I not get that this would be an issue when I married my husband?  He's a sports person.  I'm obviously not.  I knew he was a sports person, but not being around sports people, I had no idea what that would mean for our lives.  Sigh.

For richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part, and through Detroit victories and defeats...was that in there?

Thursday, October 6, 2011

A Rough Night

EEEEEEPPPPPPP!!!!!! Benjamin is determined to climb over me, despite what parts of my face he mauls in the process. 

I've had a rough week with paperwork and just being tired from driving 90-100 miles a day (approximately 60 miles is during the work day). 

The good news is that Benjamin pays rapt attention when I pop in a Celtic Woman DVD.  Too much TV: bad.  A baby who enjoys music and real performaces: good.

The 2 questions of my heart are when will life settle down and is it time to do the interpreting thing?

My brain is reeling.  Too much input.  Time to sleep.

Oh, and my parents are coming to visit tomorrow (messy house), and a good friend is going to prison (sad), and conferences are next week (eek!)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Happiness is...

I asked for input on this topic from my facebook friends.  I wanted a list of things that I could look at and would serve as a pick-me-up when I'm feeling down.  So I edited their input so this is a list of things that makes ME happy.  I hope it makes other people happy too!

Happiness is...

a snuggly baby


a puppy who is always happy to see you

time with family

laughing with friends

God's love and blessing

a baby in the morning when he first wakes up and hasn't decided he's hungry yet so he's just happy

kittens on a slide (I thought it would just be silly too, but seriously, look it up on youtube)

hearing a baby on an ultrasound for the first time


a baby laughing

rocking out to tunes in the car (laughing at all the funny looks on everyone else's faces)

celebrating milestones and wishing they would stay little at the same time


meeting new neighbors

Friday, September 30, 2011

5 minutes on Friday

The Gypsy Mama has a challenge every Friday to write on a topic for 5 minutes.  So here's my thoughts for today.

On Friends…
I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting on who my friends are lately.  Since I just moved 6 hours away from where I grew up and started my adult life, many people have dropped away.  I miss them very much.  I wish them the best and I hope that whatever they’re doing, that they’re happy.  And I hope that if any of them read this and drive through Louisville, KY that they give me a call. 
I’ve also had to deal with making new friends.  I’ve met lots of people here.  People at Jason’s work, my work, church.  I’m finally starting to find the right set.  The ones that I can depend on to call if I need someone.  I don’t know the folks that Jason works with all that much.  Television is such a weird scheduling that they don’t even get to hang out outside of work much.  My job involves traveling between 8 different schools on a daily basis, so I’m having trouble making real relationships with people there too.  On the occasion that I do meet people that I click with, they get busy and we can’t find time to get together.  Finally, I joined up with some people that serve at my church.  I’m so excited to be getting involved in interpreting again.  And the team that I will be working with so far seem just great!
Friends are the people that accept you for who you are.  They’re the ones that keep in touch even when you go far away and welcome you when you come back home.  I’m glad to be finding out who my friends are and the adventure of making new ones.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Cause and Effect

I'm noticing some interesting patterns going on throughout this week.  My categories might not make sense to anyone but me, but I'm firmly convinced.

God's Blessings:
Bible Study and prayer: depression gone
study Bible: joyful day with students
church group: feel God's calling

Devil's Attacks:
Started Bible study: baby stops sleeping through the night
church interpreters party: physical pain
pray with husband: oversleep
healed of depression: beginning of headaches
small group: argue with husband

I've been distracted by the thought of a Masters (although the topic doesn't thrill me), a comfy paycheck (the job isn't comfy), dwelling in my misery (what's the point of that?), and I'm not seeing where God is leading me.

Back on track: I'm convinced that the teaching job is to ease the transition to Kentucky and now it's time for me to get back to interpreting and find out how I can make it happen here in Louisville!  Eek!  I have to take the NIC Knowledge test next.
Prayers and Encouragement are welcome!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

A New Leaf

This week has been a fight.  I stayed home from work on Thursday because I wasn't feeling well.  And one extra day of sleep was just what I needed.  I'm back! I finally unpacked the office today as well as a couple of other boxes while Jason was at work!  Lately, I've had to have external motivation to get anything done.  Things are better now.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


I've been super overwhelmed lately.  The house is still not completely unpacked.  School has started.  I've had my first IEP meeting.  We've found a daycare for Benjamin.  Jason's schedule is still variable; they let him know a week before what his schedule will be.  We've joined a church.  I joined the interpreting team (interpreted today for the first time in Kentucky!)  In a couple weeks, Jason and I will get trained with the video team.  Benjamin is learning to crawl and how to get into things.  Things are going great, right?  I guess I'm just tired.  Too much going on and no one here to vent to.
Anyway, I'm not feeling bad, just overwhelmed and sleepy.  Wish me luck!

Friday, August 19, 2011

New Job at JCPS

I am one of the newest itinerant teacher for deaf and hard of hearing students in Jefferson County.  I survived the week of training for new teachers, the two days of inservice, and the first three days with students.  I have successfully set up a schedule that will work well for everyone involved as long as I don't get new students.  I've already subtracted and added a total of 4 students as we locate which schools in the district they're actually attending.  I have 6 students that I will be working with this year.  I'm actually enjoying it!  The only part that still doesn't appeal to me is the constant climbing in and out of the car as I visit 7 schools. 

Benjamin is sitting really well.  He is getting a little more clingy than I like, but I can work with that.  After a long day of work, cuddling with the baby is the best remedy!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Catching up

After leaving Elizabethtown, we still don't have internet at our new house yet, so I haven't been able to get here to give you the updates.

Interviews: my final interview got rescheduled several times, finally happened by phone while I was back in Illinois last week.  As of Monday, they had not made any decisions but hope to finish this week because new teacher orientation begins a week from Friday.

House: forget the townhouse, we found a house that we could afford to rent, is in a nice neighborhood, has a nice yard, and plenty of room for us.  The bad news was that we lived in it for almost two weeks before the movers could bring our stuff.  I'm all for simplifying my life, but that was ridiculous.

My parents came to visit and brought some more stuff that we couldn't send in the moving truck.  (including the dog).  They were a great help with some of the unpacking.  Our kitchen looks livable again!

Other activities: July 11 we all came to Illinois.  Jason took another load of things back to Louisville and had to work an 8 day week.  He'll be back tonight to pick up Benjamin and me.  Along with my parents, we spent the weekend of the 16th celebrating Melissa Skinner and Juan Ceveda's wedding.  It was great!  I was so honored to be able to help with the last minute details and witness the joining of two souls.  I can't wait to see them again!

That's the short version.  I did get a couple of projects going, but left them in Kentucky.  Sigh.  The baby and the wedding have kept me plenty busy enough here as well as seeing some friends.  I'm actually looking forward to the school year (assuming I get a job) since it will allow me to stay in one place for a little longer.

I'm going to add a section on this blog at the end where I discuss books I've read and projects I'm working on.  Part of my goal is to keep in touch with some of my project friends as well.  Feel free to leave comments on them especially.

Project: none (left everything in Louisville)
Book: Eat, Pray, Love: I read it really quickly, but I think there are some points that I would like to take some time to mull over, so I will be reading it again very soon.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

What a weekend!

Friday Benjamin and I spent all day house hunting.  We found a couple houses that would be ok.  We found a couple that were not what we are looking for at all!  And we found a townhouse that we think will be great!  Well, I think so anyway.  Jason will come to see it and a couple new houses on Monday.  I can't wait to sign a lease and be able to give everyone our new Kentucky address!  Benjamin did a great job putting up with me and the in and out of the car.

Saturday was not so fun.  I was in a lousy mood and then I went to Wal-mart.  Don't go to Wal-mart on a Saturday.  It was crowded and not fun at all. 

Sunday we celebrated Jason's first Father's Day!  We slept in a little and just spent the morning playing with the baby.  We got him the presents he wanted and went to a Mexican restaurant in Elizabethtown.  Then Jason had to work and Benjamin and I are spending the rest of the day at the house.  Can't wait until the moving truck comes this week.  (cross your fingers) I didn't bring one thing to do in my spare time.  I didn't think about the fact that I would be waiting around the house.  No books, no crafts, nothing!  I'm going to lose my mind!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


For everyone who is interested, my interview went well.  However, because several of the candidates for itinerant positions will also be interviewing for a middle school resource position, I won't hear any results until after the next interviews on July 8. 
So, wish me luck again!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Moving Process

Jason and I decided to move to Louisville, Kentucky.  That story is a post for another day.  There have been many exciting events happening lately.

May 25: Jason started his new job in Louisville at WLKY.  He loves it!

June 5: Jennifer realizes how much work there is to pack an entire house.  Thank goodness for my parents and all their help!

June 6: Jennifer's last day of school!

June 7: more packing

June 8: more packing (thank you Sharon, Jim, Tim, and Matt!)

June 9: moving truck comes.  It took 4 moving guys 6 1/2 hours to pack up our entire house.  I have come to the conclusion that we have too much stuff!

June 10: Benjamin and I drove 7 hours to Louisville.  It was very stressful for the Mama because the Jeep was packed so full of stuff!  I was on high alert for the entire trip.  We looked at some houses in Louisville to rent and filled out an application for the best one.  Now we have to wait to see if we are the chosen family out of 4 applications.  Sad!  We are staying in Elizabethtown (I mean E-Town) with Jason's cousins.  Brian and Billi are so wonderful to let us stay while we look for houses!

June 11: Jason went to work early in the morning and I packed.  Then Jason, Benjamin, and I all drove to Traverse City.  That was about 9 hours.  I am so tired of driving!  So is Benjamin.  He doesn't like being put in his carseat anymore.  He was such a trooper!

June 12: We had a great party in Traverse City.  Family and friends came to visit Jamie and Jason and meet Benjamin. 

The next step will be driving back to Louisville and finding a place to live.  I have an interview on Wednesday for a couple of itinerant positions in Jefferson County.  I have another interview in July for a middle school resource position for the same district.  I'm really excited to meet the administration and hear more about their programs! 

Here is what I've learned about moving:
1. It's better to have a place ready to move to.
2. Everything goes better when there are more people working on it.
3. Don't try to pack a house without everyone who lives there.
4. Planning is essential.
5. We have too much stuff.
6. Our stuff really isn't that important.
7. Going through and sorting stuff takes a lot of time.
8. Shop around for moving companies.
9. Moving companies will store your stuff.  Some charge a little and some charge a lot.  (the one we are using is free for under 30 days)

I'm looking forward to using my new blog to keep in contact with my friends from Illinois and beyond!